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from import Mapping, Sequence

import functools

import inspect

import json

from types import UnionType

from typing import (Annotated,











from isort import place_module

from isort.sections import STDLIB

# from orjson import orjson

from pydantic import NoneIsNotAllowedError

from pydantic import Protocol as pydantic_protocol

from pydantic import root_validator, ValidationError

from pydantic.fields import ModelField, Undefined, UndefinedType

from pydantic.generics import GenericModel

from pydantic.main import ModelMetaclass

from pydantic.typing import display_as_type, is_none_type

from pydantic.utils import lenient_isinstance, lenient_issubclass

from import MethodInfo, SPECIAL_METHODS_INFO

from omnipy.util.contexts import AttribHolder, LastErrorHolder

from omnipy.util.decorators import add_callback_after_call

from omnipy.util.helpers import is_optional, is_union, remove_annotated_plus_optional_if_present

_KeyT = TypeVar('_KeyT')

_ValT = TypeVar('_ValT')

_IdxT = TypeVar('_IdxT', bound=SupportsIndex)

RootT = TypeVar('RootT', covariant=True, bound=object)

ROOT_KEY = '__root__'

# def orjson_dumps(v, *, default):

#     # orjson.dumps returns bytes, to match standard json.dumps we need to decode

#     return orjson.dumps(v, default=default).decode()

def generate_qualname(cls_name: str, model: Any) -> str:

    m_module = model.__module__ if hasattr(model, '__module__') else ''

    m_module_prefix = f'{m_module}.' \

        if m_module and place_module(m_module) != STDLIB else ''

    fully_qual_model_name = f'{m_module_prefix}{display_as_type(model)}'

    return f'{cls_name}[{fully_qual_model_name}]'

class MyModelMetaclass(ModelMetaclass):

    # Hack to overcome bug in pydantic/ (v1.10.13), lines 636-641:


    # if origin is None or origin is CollectionsHashable:

    #     # field is not "typing" object eg. Union, dict, list etc.

    #     # allow None for virtual superclasses of NoneType, e.g. Hashable

    #     if isinstance(self.type_, type) and isinstance(None, self.type_):

    #         self.allow_none = True

    #     return


    # This hinders models (including pure pydantic BaseModels) to be properly considered as

    # subfields, e.g. in `list[MyModel]` as `get_origin(MyModel) is None`. Here, we want allow_none

    # to be set to True so that Model is allowed to validate a None value.


    # TODO: Revisit the need for MyModelMetaclass hack in pydantic v2

    def __instancecheck__(self, instance: Any) -> bool:

        if instance is None:

            return True

        return super().__instancecheck__(instance)

class Model(GenericModel, Generic[RootT], metaclass=MyModelMetaclass):


    A data model containing a value parsed according to the model.

    If no value is provided, the value is set to the default value of the data model, found by

    calling the model class without parameters, e.g. `int()`.

    Model is a generic class that cannot be instantiated directly. Instead, a Model class needs

    to be specialized with a data type before Model objects can be instantiated. A data model

    functions as a data parser and guarantees that the parsed data follows the specified model.

    Example data model specialized as a class alias::

        MyNumberList = Model[list[int]]

    ... alternatively as a Model subclass::

        class MyNumberList(Model[list[int]]):


    Once instantiated, a Model object functions as a parser, e.g.::

        my_number_list = MyNumberList([2,3,4])

        my_number_list.contents = ['3', 4, True]

        assert my_number_list.contents == [3,4,1]

    While the following should raise a `ValidationError`::

        my_number_list.contents = ['abc', 'def']

    The Model class is a wrapper class around the powerful `GenericModel` class from pydantic.

    See also docs of the Dataset class for more usage examples.


    __root__: RootT | None

    class Config:

        arbitrary_types_allowed = True

        validate_all = True

        validate_assignment = True

        smart_union = True

        # json_loads = orjson.loads

        # json_dumps = orjson_dumps


    def _get_default_value_from_model(cls, model: Type[RootT]) -> RootT:  # noqa: C901

        if isinstance(model, TypeVar):

            if model.__bound__ is None:  # noqa

                raise TypeError('The TypeVar "{}" needs to be bound to a '.format(model.__name__)

                                + 'type that provides a default value when called')


                model = model.__bound__  # noqa

        origin_type = get_origin(model)

        args = get_args(model)

        if origin_type is Annotated:

            model = args[0]

            origin_type = get_origin(model)

            args = get_args(model)

        if origin_type in (None, ()):

            origin_type = model

        if origin_type in [Union, UnionType]:

            if any(is_none_type(arg) for arg in args):

                return None

            last_error_holder = LastErrorHolder()

            for arg in args:

                if callable(arg):

                    with last_error_holder:

                        return cls._get_default_value_from_model(arg)

            last_error_holder.raise_derived(TypeError(f'Cannot instantiate model "{model}".'))

        if origin_type is tuple:

            if args and Ellipsis not in args:

                return tuple(cls._get_default_value_from_model(arg) for arg in args)

        return origin_type()


    def _populate_root_field(cls, model: Type[RootT]) -> None:

        default_val = cls._get_default_value_from_model(model)

        def get_default_val() -> RootT:

            return default_val

        if ROOT_KEY in cls.__config__.fields:

            cls.__config__.fields[ROOT_KEY]['default_factory'] = get_default_val


            cls.__config__.fields[ROOT_KEY] = {'default_factory': get_default_val}

        if not get_origin(model) == Annotated and not is_optional(model):

            model = Annotated[Optional[model], 'Fake Optional from Model']

        data_field = ModelField.infer(






        cls.__fields__[ROOT_KEY] = data_field

        cls.__annotations__[ROOT_KEY] = model

        return model


    def _depopulate_root_field(cls):

        del cls.__config__.fields[ROOT_KEY]

        del cls.__fields__[ROOT_KEY]

        del cls.__annotations__[ROOT_KEY]

    def __class_getitem__(cls, model: Type[RootT] | TypeVar) -> Type[RootT] | TypeVar:

        # TODO: change model type to params: Type[Any], tuple[Type[Any], ...]]

        #       as in GenericModel

        # For now, only singular model types are allowed. These lines are needed for

        # interoperability with pydantic GenericModel, which internally stores the model

        # as a tuple:

        if isinstance(model, tuple) and len(model) == 1:

            model = model[0]

        orig_model = model

        # Populating the root field at runtime instead of providing a __root__ Field explicitly

        # is needed due to the inability of typing/pydantic to provide a dynamic default based on

        # the actual type. The following issue in mypy seems relevant:

        # (as well as linked issues)

        if cls == Model:  # Only for the base Model class

            model = cls._populate_root_field(model)

        created_model = super().__class_getitem__(model)

        # cls._propagate_allow_none_from_model(model, created_model)

        # As long as models are not created concurrently, setting the class members temporarily

        # should not have averse effects

        # TODO: Check if we can move to explicit definition of __root__ field at the object

        #       level in pydantic 2.0 (when it is released)

        if cls == Model:


        if created_model.__name__.startswith('Model[') and get_origin(model) is Annotated:

            created_model.__name__ = f'Model[{display_as_type(orig_model)}]'

        created_model.__qualname__ = generate_qualname(cls.__name__, model)

        outer_type = created_model._get_root_type(outer=True, with_args=True)

        outer_type_plain = created_model._get_root_type(outer=True, with_args=False)

        if inspect.isclass(outer_type_plain) or is_union(outer_type):

            for name, method_info in SPECIAL_METHODS_INFO.items():

                outer_types = get_args(outer_type) if is_union(outer_type) else [outer_type_plain]

                for type_to_support in outer_types:

                    if hasattr(type_to_support, name):



                                functools.partialmethod(cls._special_method, name, method_info))


        return created_model

    def __new__(cls, value: Any | UndefinedType = Undefined, **kwargs):

        model_not_specified = ROOT_KEY not in cls.__fields__

        if model_not_specified:


        return super().__new__(cls)

    # TODO: Allow e.g. Model[str](Model[int](5)) == Model[str](Model[int](5).contents).

    #       Should then work the same as dataset

    def __init__(


        value: Any | UndefinedType = Undefined,


        __root__: Any | UndefinedType = Undefined,

        **data: Any,

    ) -> None:

        super_data: dict[str, RootT] = {}

        num_root_vals = 0

        if value is not Undefined:

            super_data[ROOT_KEY] = cast(RootT, value)

            num_root_vals += 1

        if __root__ is not Undefined:

            super_data[ROOT_KEY] = cast(RootT, __root__)

            num_root_vals += 1

        if data:

            super_data[ROOT_KEY] = cast(RootT, data)

            num_root_vals += 1

        assert num_root_vals <= 1, 'Not allowed to provide root data in more than one argument'


        if not self.__class__.__doc__:



    def _raise_no_model_exception() -> None:

        raise TypeError('Note: The Model class requires a concrete model to be specified as '

                        'a type hierarchy within brackets either directly, e.g.:\n\n'

                        '\tmodel = Model[list[int]]([1,2,3])\n\n'

                        'or indirectly in a subclass definition, e.g.:\n\n'

                        '\tclass MyNumberList(Model[list[int]]): ...\n\n')

    def _set_standard_field_description(self) -> None:

        self.__fields__[ROOT_KEY].field_info.description = self._get_standard_field_description()


    def _get_standard_field_description(cls) -> str:

        return ('This class represents a concrete model for data items in the `omnipy` Python '

                'package. It is a statically typed specialization of the Model class, '

                'which is itself wrapping the excellent Python package named `pydantic`.')


    def validate(cls: Type['Model'], value: Any) -> 'Model':


        Hack to allow overwriting of __iter__ method without compromising pydantic validation. Part

        of the pydantic API and not the Omnipy API.


        if isinstance(value, Model):

            with AttribHolder(value, '__iter__', GenericModel.__iter__, on_class=True):

                return super().validate(value)


            return super().validate(value)

    def validate_contents(self):

        self.contents = self.contents


    def _parse_data(cls, data: RootT) -> Any:

        return data


    def _parse_root_object(cls, root_obj: dict[str, RootT]) -> Any:  # noqa

        assert ROOT_KEY in root_obj

        value = root_obj[ROOT_KEY]

        value = cls._parse_none_value_with_root_type_if_model(value)

        return {ROOT_KEY: cls._parse_data(value)}

    # Partial workaround of, together with

    # _propagate_allow_none_from_model().  See series of relevant tests in

    # starting with test_nested_model_classes_none_as_default().


    def _parse_none_value_with_root_type_if_model(cls, value):

        root_field = cls.__fields__.get(ROOT_KEY)

        root_type = root_field.type_

        value = cls._parse_with_root_type_if_model(value, root_field, root_type)

        return value


    def _parse_with_root_type_if_model(cls, value: Any, root_field: ModelField,

                                       root_type: Type) -> Any:

        if get_origin(root_type) is Annotated:

            root_type = get_args(root_type)[0]

        if get_origin(root_type) is Union:

            last_error_holder = LastErrorHolder()

            for arg in get_args(root_type):

                with last_error_holder:

                    return cls._parse_with_root_type_if_model(value, root_field, arg)


        if lenient_issubclass(root_type, Model):

            if root_field.outer_type_ != root_type:

                outer_type = get_origin(root_field.outer_type_)

                if lenient_issubclass(outer_type, Sequence) and lenient_isinstance(value, Sequence):

                    return outer_type(  # type: ignore


                        if is_none_type(val) or not lenient_isinstance(val, Model) else val

                        for val in value)

                elif lenient_issubclass(outer_type, Mapping) and lenient_isinstance(value, Mapping):

                    return outer_type({  # type: ignore



                            if is_none_type(val) or not lenient_isinstance(val, Model) else val

                        for (key, val) in value.items()



                return root_type.parse_obj(

                    value) if is_none_type(value) or not lenient_isinstance(value, Model) else value

        if value is None:

            none_default = root_field.default_factory() is None if root_field.default_factory \

                else root_field.default is None

            root_type_is_none = is_none_type(root_type)

            root_type_is_optional = get_origin(root_type) is Union \

                and any(is_none_type(arg) for arg in get_args(root_type))

            supports_none = none_default or root_type_is_none or root_type_is_optional

            if not supports_none:

                raise NoneIsNotAllowedError()

        return value


    def contents(self) -> RootT:

        return self.__dict__.get(ROOT_KEY)


    def contents(self, value: RootT) -> None:

        super().__setattr__(ROOT_KEY, value)

    def to_data(self) -> Any:

        return self.dict()[ROOT_KEY]

    def from_data(self, value: Any) -> None:

        self.contents = value

    def to_json(self, pretty=False) -> str:

        json_content = self.json()

        if pretty:

            return self._pretty_print_json(json.loads(json_content))


            return json_content

    def from_json(self, json_contents: str) -> None:

        new_model = self.parse_raw(json_contents, proto=pydantic_protocol.json)


    def inner_type(self, with_args: bool = False) -> type | None:

        return self.__class__._get_root_type(outer=False, with_args=with_args)

    def outer_type(self, with_args: bool = False) -> type | None:

        return self.__class__._get_root_type(outer=True, with_args=with_args)

    def is_nested_type(self) -> bool:

        return not self.inner_type(with_args=True) == self.outer_type(with_args=True)


    def _get_root_type(cls, outer: bool, with_args: bool) -> type | None:

        root_field = cast(ModelField, cls.__fields__.get(ROOT_KEY))

        root_type = root_field.outer_type_ if outer else root_field.type_

        root_type = remove_annotated_plus_optional_if_present(root_type)

        if get_args(root_type):

            return root_type if with_args else get_origin(root_type)

        return root_type

    # @classmethod

    # def create_from_json(cls, data: str | tuple[str]):

    #     if isinstance(data, tuple):

    #         data = data[0]


    #     obj = cls()

    #     obj.from_json(data)

    #     return obj


    # def __reduce__(self):

    #     return self.__class__.create_from_json, (self.to_json(),)

    def _set_contents_without_validation(self, contents: RootT) -> None:

        validate_assignment = self.__config__.validate_assignment

        self.__config__.validate_assignment = False

        self.contents = contents.contents

        self.__config__.validate_assignment = validate_assignment


    def to_json_schema(cls, pretty=False) -> str:

        schema = cls.schema()

        if pretty:

            return cls._pretty_print_json(schema)


            return json.dumps(schema)


    def _pretty_print_json(json_content: Any) -> str:

        return json.dumps(json_content, indent=2)

    def _check_for_root_key(self) -> None:

        if ROOT_KEY not in self.__dict__:

            raise TypeError('The Model class requires the specific model to be specified in as '

                            'a type hierarchy within brackets either directly, e.g.:\n'

                            '\t"model = Model[list[int]]([1,2,3])"\n'

                            'or indirectly in a subclass definition, e.g.:\n'

                            '\t"class MyNumberList(Model[list[int]]): ..."')

    def __setattr__(self, attr: str, value: Any) -> None:

        if attr in self.__dict__ and attr not in [ROOT_KEY]:

            super().__setattr__(attr, value)


            if attr in ['contents']:

                contents_prop = getattr(self.__class__, attr)

                contents_prop.__set__(self, value)


                raise RuntimeError('Model does not allow setting of extra attributes')

    def _special_method(self, name: str, info: MethodInfo, *args: object,

                        **kwargs: object) -> object:

        method = self._getattr_from_contents(name)

        if info.state_changing:

            with AttribHolder(self, 'contents', copy_attr=True):

                ret = method(*args, **kwargs)



            ret = method(*args, **kwargs)

        if info.maybe_returns_same_type:

            ret = self._convert_to_model_if_reasonable(args, name, ret)

        return ret

    def _convert_to_model_if_reasonable(self, args, name, ret):

        if not isinstance(ret, self.__class__):

            if name == '__getitem__':

                assert len(args) == 1

                if isinstance(args[0], int):

                    assert self.is_nested_type()

                    # TODO: With Python 3.13 and PEP 649, reconsider the choice to not automatically

                    #       generate nested models through '__getitem__'.


                    # Seems to work, but the consequences for this are big and requires thought

                    # and consideration.


                    # try:

                    #     ret = Model[self.inner_type(with_args=True)](ret)

                    # except ValidationError:

                    #     pass

                    return ret

            # We can do this with some ease of mind as all the methods except '__getitem__' with

            # integer argument are supposed to possibly return a result of the same type.

            outer_type = self.outer_type(with_args=True)

            outer_type_plain = self.outer_type()

            types_to_check = get_args(outer_type) if is_union(outer_type) else [outer_type_plain]

            for type_to_check in types_to_check:

                if type_to_check is not None and isinstance(ret, type_to_check):


                        ret = self.__class__(ret)

                    except ValidationError:


        return ret

    def __getattr__(self, attr: str) -> Any:

        ret = self._getattr_from_contents(attr)

        if callable(ret):

            ret = add_callback_after_call(ret, self.validate_contents)

        return ret

    def _getattr_from_contents(self, attr):

        if isinstance(self.contents, Model):

            return getattr(self.contents.contents, attr)


            return getattr(self.contents, attr)

    def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:

        return isinstance(other, Model) \

            and self.__class__ == other.__class__ \

            and self.contents == other.contents \

            and self.to_data() == other.to_data()  # last is probably unnecessary, but just in case





def generate_qualname(
    cls_name: str,
    model: Any
) -> str


Name Type Description Default
cls_name str
model Any


Type Description
View Source
def generate_qualname(cls_name: str, model: Any) -> str:

    m_module = model.__module__ if hasattr(model, '__module__') else ''

    m_module_prefix = f'{m_module}.' \

        if m_module and place_module(m_module) != STDLIB else ''

    fully_qual_model_name = f'{m_module_prefix}{display_as_type(model)}'

    return f'{cls_name}[{fully_qual_model_name}]'



class Model(
    value: Union[Any, pydantic.fields.UndefinedType] = PydanticUndefined,
    __root__: Union[Any, pydantic.fields.UndefinedType] = PydanticUndefined,
    **data: Any

A data model containing a value parsed according to the model.

If no value is provided, the value is set to the default value of the data model, found by calling the model class without parameters, e.g. int().

Model is a generic class that cannot be instantiated directly. Instead, a Model class needs to be specialized with a data type before Model objects can be instantiated. A data model functions as a data parser and guarantees that the parsed data follows the specified model.

Example data model specialized as a class alias::

MyNumberList = Model[list[int]]

... alternatively as a Model subclass::

class MyNumberList(Model[list[int]]):

Once instantiated, a Model object functions as a parser, e.g.::

my_number_list = MyNumberList([2,3,4])

my_number_list.contents = ['3', 4, True]
assert my_number_list.contents == [3,4,1]

While the following should raise a ValidationError::

my_number_list.contents = ['abc', 'def']

The Model class is a wrapper class around the powerful GenericModel class from pydantic.

See also docs of the Dataset class for more usage examples.

View Source
class Model(GenericModel, Generic[RootT], metaclass=MyModelMetaclass):


    A data model containing a value parsed according to the model.

    If no value is provided, the value is set to the default value of the data model, found by

    calling the model class without parameters, e.g. `int()`.

    Model is a generic class that cannot be instantiated directly. Instead, a Model class needs

    to be specialized with a data type before Model objects can be instantiated. A data model

    functions as a data parser and guarantees that the parsed data follows the specified model.

    Example data model specialized as a class alias::

        MyNumberList = Model[list[int]]

    ... alternatively as a Model subclass::

        class MyNumberList(Model[list[int]]):


    Once instantiated, a Model object functions as a parser, e.g.::

        my_number_list = MyNumberList([2,3,4])

        my_number_list.contents = ['3', 4, True]

        assert my_number_list.contents == [3,4,1]

    While the following should raise a `ValidationError`::

        my_number_list.contents = ['abc', 'def']

    The Model class is a wrapper class around the powerful `GenericModel` class from pydantic.

    See also docs of the Dataset class for more usage examples.


    __root__: RootT | None

    class Config:

        arbitrary_types_allowed = True

        validate_all = True

        validate_assignment = True

        smart_union = True

        # json_loads = orjson.loads

        # json_dumps = orjson_dumps


    def _get_default_value_from_model(cls, model: Type[RootT]) -> RootT:  # noqa: C901

        if isinstance(model, TypeVar):

            if model.__bound__ is None:  # noqa

                raise TypeError('The TypeVar "{}" needs to be bound to a '.format(model.__name__)

                                + 'type that provides a default value when called')


                model = model.__bound__  # noqa

        origin_type = get_origin(model)

        args = get_args(model)

        if origin_type is Annotated:

            model = args[0]

            origin_type = get_origin(model)

            args = get_args(model)

        if origin_type in (None, ()):

            origin_type = model

        if origin_type in [Union, UnionType]:

            if any(is_none_type(arg) for arg in args):

                return None

            last_error_holder = LastErrorHolder()

            for arg in args:

                if callable(arg):

                    with last_error_holder:

                        return cls._get_default_value_from_model(arg)

            last_error_holder.raise_derived(TypeError(f'Cannot instantiate model "{model}".'))

        if origin_type is tuple:

            if args and Ellipsis not in args:

                return tuple(cls._get_default_value_from_model(arg) for arg in args)

        return origin_type()


    def _populate_root_field(cls, model: Type[RootT]) -> None:

        default_val = cls._get_default_value_from_model(model)

        def get_default_val() -> RootT:

            return default_val

        if ROOT_KEY in cls.__config__.fields:

            cls.__config__.fields[ROOT_KEY]['default_factory'] = get_default_val


            cls.__config__.fields[ROOT_KEY] = {'default_factory': get_default_val}

        if not get_origin(model) == Annotated and not is_optional(model):

            model = Annotated[Optional[model], 'Fake Optional from Model']

        data_field = ModelField.infer(






        cls.__fields__[ROOT_KEY] = data_field

        cls.__annotations__[ROOT_KEY] = model

        return model


    def _depopulate_root_field(cls):

        del cls.__config__.fields[ROOT_KEY]

        del cls.__fields__[ROOT_KEY]

        del cls.__annotations__[ROOT_KEY]

    def __class_getitem__(cls, model: Type[RootT] | TypeVar) -> Type[RootT] | TypeVar:

        # TODO: change model type to params: Type[Any], tuple[Type[Any], ...]]

        #       as in GenericModel

        # For now, only singular model types are allowed. These lines are needed for

        # interoperability with pydantic GenericModel, which internally stores the model

        # as a tuple:

        if isinstance(model, tuple) and len(model) == 1:

            model = model[0]

        orig_model = model

        # Populating the root field at runtime instead of providing a __root__ Field explicitly

        # is needed due to the inability of typing/pydantic to provide a dynamic default based on

        # the actual type. The following issue in mypy seems relevant:

        # (as well as linked issues)

        if cls == Model:  # Only for the base Model class

            model = cls._populate_root_field(model)

        created_model = super().__class_getitem__(model)

        # cls._propagate_allow_none_from_model(model, created_model)

        # As long as models are not created concurrently, setting the class members temporarily

        # should not have averse effects

        # TODO: Check if we can move to explicit definition of __root__ field at the object

        #       level in pydantic 2.0 (when it is released)

        if cls == Model:


        if created_model.__name__.startswith('Model[') and get_origin(model) is Annotated:

            created_model.__name__ = f'Model[{display_as_type(orig_model)}]'

        created_model.__qualname__ = generate_qualname(cls.__name__, model)

        outer_type = created_model._get_root_type(outer=True, with_args=True)

        outer_type_plain = created_model._get_root_type(outer=True, with_args=False)

        if inspect.isclass(outer_type_plain) or is_union(outer_type):

            for name, method_info in SPECIAL_METHODS_INFO.items():

                outer_types = get_args(outer_type) if is_union(outer_type) else [outer_type_plain]

                for type_to_support in outer_types:

                    if hasattr(type_to_support, name):



                                functools.partialmethod(cls._special_method, name, method_info))


        return created_model

    def __new__(cls, value: Any | UndefinedType = Undefined, **kwargs):

        model_not_specified = ROOT_KEY not in cls.__fields__

        if model_not_specified:


        return super().__new__(cls)

    # TODO: Allow e.g. Model[str](Model[int](5)) == Model[str](Model[int](5).contents).

    #       Should then work the same as dataset

    def __init__(


        value: Any | UndefinedType = Undefined,


        __root__: Any | UndefinedType = Undefined,

        **data: Any,

    ) -> None:

        super_data: dict[str, RootT] = {}

        num_root_vals = 0

        if value is not Undefined:

            super_data[ROOT_KEY] = cast(RootT, value)

            num_root_vals += 1

        if __root__ is not Undefined:

            super_data[ROOT_KEY] = cast(RootT, __root__)

            num_root_vals += 1

        if data:

            super_data[ROOT_KEY] = cast(RootT, data)

            num_root_vals += 1

        assert num_root_vals <= 1, 'Not allowed to provide root data in more than one argument'


        if not self.__class__.__doc__:



    def _raise_no_model_exception() -> None:

        raise TypeError('Note: The Model class requires a concrete model to be specified as '

                        'a type hierarchy within brackets either directly, e.g.:\n\n'

                        '\tmodel = Model[list[int]]([1,2,3])\n\n'

                        'or indirectly in a subclass definition, e.g.:\n\n'

                        '\tclass MyNumberList(Model[list[int]]): ...\n\n')

    def _set_standard_field_description(self) -> None:

        self.__fields__[ROOT_KEY].field_info.description = self._get_standard_field_description()


    def _get_standard_field_description(cls) -> str:

        return ('This class represents a concrete model for data items in the `omnipy` Python '

                'package. It is a statically typed specialization of the Model class, '

                'which is itself wrapping the excellent Python package named `pydantic`.')


    def validate(cls: Type['Model'], value: Any) -> 'Model':


        Hack to allow overwriting of __iter__ method without compromising pydantic validation. Part

        of the pydantic API and not the Omnipy API.


        if isinstance(value, Model):

            with AttribHolder(value, '__iter__', GenericModel.__iter__, on_class=True):

                return super().validate(value)


            return super().validate(value)

    def validate_contents(self):

        self.contents = self.contents


    def _parse_data(cls, data: RootT) -> Any:

        return data


    def _parse_root_object(cls, root_obj: dict[str, RootT]) -> Any:  # noqa

        assert ROOT_KEY in root_obj

        value = root_obj[ROOT_KEY]

        value = cls._parse_none_value_with_root_type_if_model(value)

        return {ROOT_KEY: cls._parse_data(value)}

    # Partial workaround of, together with

    # _propagate_allow_none_from_model().  See series of relevant tests in

    # starting with test_nested_model_classes_none_as_default().


    def _parse_none_value_with_root_type_if_model(cls, value):

        root_field = cls.__fields__.get(ROOT_KEY)

        root_type = root_field.type_

        value = cls._parse_with_root_type_if_model(value, root_field, root_type)

        return value


    def _parse_with_root_type_if_model(cls, value: Any, root_field: ModelField,

                                       root_type: Type) -> Any:

        if get_origin(root_type) is Annotated:

            root_type = get_args(root_type)[0]

        if get_origin(root_type) is Union:

            last_error_holder = LastErrorHolder()

            for arg in get_args(root_type):

                with last_error_holder:

                    return cls._parse_with_root_type_if_model(value, root_field, arg)


        if lenient_issubclass(root_type, Model):

            if root_field.outer_type_ != root_type:

                outer_type = get_origin(root_field.outer_type_)

                if lenient_issubclass(outer_type, Sequence) and lenient_isinstance(value, Sequence):

                    return outer_type(  # type: ignore


                        if is_none_type(val) or not lenient_isinstance(val, Model) else val

                        for val in value)

                elif lenient_issubclass(outer_type, Mapping) and lenient_isinstance(value, Mapping):

                    return outer_type({  # type: ignore



                            if is_none_type(val) or not lenient_isinstance(val, Model) else val

                        for (key, val) in value.items()



                return root_type.parse_obj(

                    value) if is_none_type(value) or not lenient_isinstance(value, Model) else value

        if value is None:

            none_default = root_field.default_factory() is None if root_field.default_factory \

                else root_field.default is None

            root_type_is_none = is_none_type(root_type)

            root_type_is_optional = get_origin(root_type) is Union \

                and any(is_none_type(arg) for arg in get_args(root_type))

            supports_none = none_default or root_type_is_none or root_type_is_optional

            if not supports_none:

                raise NoneIsNotAllowedError()

        return value


    def contents(self) -> RootT:

        return self.__dict__.get(ROOT_KEY)


    def contents(self, value: RootT) -> None:

        super().__setattr__(ROOT_KEY, value)

    def to_data(self) -> Any:

        return self.dict()[ROOT_KEY]

    def from_data(self, value: Any) -> None:

        self.contents = value

    def to_json(self, pretty=False) -> str:

        json_content = self.json()

        if pretty:

            return self._pretty_print_json(json.loads(json_content))


            return json_content

    def from_json(self, json_contents: str) -> None:

        new_model = self.parse_raw(json_contents, proto=pydantic_protocol.json)


    def inner_type(self, with_args: bool = False) -> type | None:

        return self.__class__._get_root_type(outer=False, with_args=with_args)

    def outer_type(self, with_args: bool = False) -> type | None:

        return self.__class__._get_root_type(outer=True, with_args=with_args)

    def is_nested_type(self) -> bool:

        return not self.inner_type(with_args=True) == self.outer_type(with_args=True)


    def _get_root_type(cls, outer: bool, with_args: bool) -> type | None:

        root_field = cast(ModelField, cls.__fields__.get(ROOT_KEY))

        root_type = root_field.outer_type_ if outer else root_field.type_

        root_type = remove_annotated_plus_optional_if_present(root_type)

        if get_args(root_type):

            return root_type if with_args else get_origin(root_type)

        return root_type

    # @classmethod

    # def create_from_json(cls, data: str | tuple[str]):

    #     if isinstance(data, tuple):

    #         data = data[0]


    #     obj = cls()

    #     obj.from_json(data)

    #     return obj


    # def __reduce__(self):

    #     return self.__class__.create_from_json, (self.to_json(),)

    def _set_contents_without_validation(self, contents: RootT) -> None:

        validate_assignment = self.__config__.validate_assignment

        self.__config__.validate_assignment = False

        self.contents = contents.contents

        self.__config__.validate_assignment = validate_assignment


    def to_json_schema(cls, pretty=False) -> str:

        schema = cls.schema()

        if pretty:

            return cls._pretty_print_json(schema)


            return json.dumps(schema)


    def _pretty_print_json(json_content: Any) -> str:

        return json.dumps(json_content, indent=2)

    def _check_for_root_key(self) -> None:

        if ROOT_KEY not in self.__dict__:

            raise TypeError('The Model class requires the specific model to be specified in as '

                            'a type hierarchy within brackets either directly, e.g.:\n'

                            '\t"model = Model[list[int]]([1,2,3])"\n'

                            'or indirectly in a subclass definition, e.g.:\n'

                            '\t"class MyNumberList(Model[list[int]]): ..."')

    def __setattr__(self, attr: str, value: Any) -> None:

        if attr in self.__dict__ and attr not in [ROOT_KEY]:

            super().__setattr__(attr, value)


            if attr in ['contents']:

                contents_prop = getattr(self.__class__, attr)

                contents_prop.__set__(self, value)


                raise RuntimeError('Model does not allow setting of extra attributes')

    def _special_method(self, name: str, info: MethodInfo, *args: object,

                        **kwargs: object) -> object:

        method = self._getattr_from_contents(name)

        if info.state_changing:

            with AttribHolder(self, 'contents', copy_attr=True):

                ret = method(*args, **kwargs)



            ret = method(*args, **kwargs)

        if info.maybe_returns_same_type:

            ret = self._convert_to_model_if_reasonable(args, name, ret)

        return ret

    def _convert_to_model_if_reasonable(self, args, name, ret):

        if not isinstance(ret, self.__class__):

            if name == '__getitem__':

                assert len(args) == 1

                if isinstance(args[0], int):

                    assert self.is_nested_type()

                    # TODO: With Python 3.13 and PEP 649, reconsider the choice to not automatically

                    #       generate nested models through '__getitem__'.


                    # Seems to work, but the consequences for this are big and requires thought

                    # and consideration.


                    # try:

                    #     ret = Model[self.inner_type(with_args=True)](ret)

                    # except ValidationError:

                    #     pass

                    return ret

            # We can do this with some ease of mind as all the methods except '__getitem__' with

            # integer argument are supposed to possibly return a result of the same type.

            outer_type = self.outer_type(with_args=True)

            outer_type_plain = self.outer_type()

            types_to_check = get_args(outer_type) if is_union(outer_type) else [outer_type_plain]

            for type_to_check in types_to_check:

                if type_to_check is not None and isinstance(ret, type_to_check):


                        ret = self.__class__(ret)

                    except ValidationError:


        return ret

    def __getattr__(self, attr: str) -> Any:

        ret = self._getattr_from_contents(attr)

        if callable(ret):

            ret = add_callback_after_call(ret, self.validate_contents)

        return ret

    def _getattr_from_contents(self, attr):

        if isinstance(self.contents, Model):

            return getattr(self.contents.contents, attr)


            return getattr(self.contents, attr)

    def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:

        return isinstance(other, Model) \

            and self.__class__ == other.__class__ \

            and self.contents == other.contents \

            and self.to_data() == other.to_data()  # last is probably unnecessary, but just in case

Class variables


Static methods

def to_json_schema(
) -> str


Name Type Description Default


Type Description
View Source

    def to_json_schema(cls, pretty=False) -> str:

        schema = cls.schema()

        if pretty:

            return cls._pretty_print_json(schema)


            return json.dumps(schema)
def validate(
    value: Any
) -> Model

Hack to allow overwriting of iter method without compromising pydantic validation. Part

of the pydantic API and not the Omnipy API.


Name Type Description Default
value Any


Type Description
View Source

    def validate(cls: Type['Model'], value: Any) -> 'Model':


        Hack to allow overwriting of __iter__ method without compromising pydantic validation. Part

        of the pydantic API and not the Omnipy API.


        if isinstance(value, Model):

            with AttribHolder(value, '__iter__', GenericModel.__iter__, on_class=True):

                return super().validate(value)


            return super().validate(value)

Instance variables



def __eq__(
    other: object
) -> bool

Return self==value.


Name Type Description Default
other object


Type Description
View Source
    def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:

        return isinstance(other, Model) \

            and self.__class__ == other.__class__ \

            and self.contents == other.contents \

            and self.to_data() == other.to_data()  # last is probably unnecessary, but just in case
def __getattr__(
    attr: str
) -> Any


Name Type Description Default
attr str


Type Description
View Source
    def __getattr__(self, attr: str) -> Any:

        ret = self._getattr_from_contents(attr)

        if callable(ret):

            ret = add_callback_after_call(ret, self.validate_contents)

        return ret
def __setattr__(
    attr: str,
    value: Any
) -> None

Implement setattr(self, name, value).


Name Type Description Default
attr str
value Any


Type Description
View Source
    def __setattr__(self, attr: str, value: Any) -> None:

        if attr in self.__dict__ and attr not in [ROOT_KEY]:

            super().__setattr__(attr, value)


            if attr in ['contents']:

                contents_prop = getattr(self.__class__, attr)

                contents_prop.__set__(self, value)


                raise RuntimeError('Model does not allow setting of extra attributes')
def from_data(
    value: Any
) -> None


Name Type Description Default
value Any


Type Description
View Source
    def from_data(self, value: Any) -> None:

        self.contents = value
def from_json(
    json_contents: str
) -> None


Name Type Description Default
json_contents str


Type Description
View Source
    def from_json(self, json_contents: str) -> None:

        new_model = self.parse_raw(json_contents, proto=pydantic_protocol.json)

def inner_type(
    with_args: bool = False
) -> type | None


Name Type Description Default
with_args bool


Type Description
type None
View Source
    def inner_type(self, with_args: bool = False) -> type | None:

        return self.__class__._get_root_type(outer=False, with_args=with_args)
def is_nested_type(
) -> bool


Type Description
View Source
    def is_nested_type(self) -> bool:

        return not self.inner_type(with_args=True) == self.outer_type(with_args=True)
def outer_type(
    with_args: bool = False
) -> type | None


Name Type Description Default
with_args bool


Type Description
type None
View Source
    def outer_type(self, with_args: bool = False) -> type | None:

        return self.__class__._get_root_type(outer=True, with_args=with_args)
def to_data(
) -> Any


Type Description
View Source
    def to_data(self) -> Any:

        return self.dict()[ROOT_KEY]
def to_json(
) -> str


Name Type Description Default


Type Description
View Source
    def to_json(self, pretty=False) -> str:

        json_content = self.json()

        if pretty:

            return self._pretty_print_json(json.loads(json_content))


            return json_content
def validate_contents(
View Source
    def validate_contents(self):

        self.contents = self.contents


class MyModelMetaclass(

Metaclass for defining Abstract Base Classes (ABCs).

Use this metaclass to create an ABC. An ABC can be subclassed directly, and then acts as a mix-in class. You can also register unrelated concrete classes (even built-in classes) and unrelated ABCs as 'virtual subclasses' -- these and their descendants will be considered subclasses of the registering ABC by the built-in issubclass() function, but the registering ABC won't show up in their MRO (Method Resolution Order) nor will method implementations defined by the registering ABC be callable (not even via super()).

View Source
class MyModelMetaclass(ModelMetaclass):

    # Hack to overcome bug in pydantic/ (v1.10.13), lines 636-641:


    # if origin is None or origin is CollectionsHashable:

    #     # field is not "typing" object eg. Union, dict, list etc.

    #     # allow None for virtual superclasses of NoneType, e.g. Hashable

    #     if isinstance(self.type_, type) and isinstance(None, self.type_):

    #         self.allow_none = True

    #     return


    # This hinders models (including pure pydantic BaseModels) to be properly considered as

    # subfields, e.g. in `list[MyModel]` as `get_origin(MyModel) is None`. Here, we want allow_none

    # to be set to True so that Model is allowed to validate a None value.


    # TODO: Revisit the need for MyModelMetaclass hack in pydantic v2

    def __instancecheck__(self, instance: Any) -> bool:

        if instance is None:

            return True

        return super().__instancecheck__(instance)